Film Of The Day - Trees In 4 Minutes

Here is today's 'Film Of The Day' on Us And Trees. I add a film about trees and hedgerows, to this library,every day, except Sundays, when possible. I trust you will enjoy these ...

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Trees in 4 Minutes - 

"Years ago I went on a solo backpacking trip through Big Sur. It was during a time in the year when there were few other people to see or hear. When I got to camp, I was surrounded by the forest. It was just me and this vast surrounding living organism. All I heard was the wind blowing through the trees, the birds chirping in the distance, and the constant sound of the flowing river. I didn’t feel like I belonged. I felt like an outsider. I felt in a way like the forest was alive talking to itself, and I was there in its way. Since that trip I’ve always wondered if there was more to the forest, to the trees than I knew". 


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