Planting A Billion Trees, Is This A Good Thing?
Its Election Campaigning time in Britain when all party leaders are competing for votes through offering people what they want to here. For some reason people always forget that these promises are never kept. For the Brexit Party Contract, Nigal Farage, has announced a plan to plant billions of trees to absorb CO2. No mention where. He just says 'all over the world'? Farage is trying to get Climate denier Donald Trump on board. One one hand, I am delighted that a politician party leader regards tree planting as something that the public want to hear. A couple of days previous, he did not seem to know what a tree is. This seems to be purely votes phishing. Are Mass Plantings of Trees good for our Planet Earth? What do you feel about these mass planting programs? With the Farage plan I imagine his plicy would include masses of biodiversity killing monoculture. If he attempted native mixed species forestry I can imagine the wrong species in the wrong places, and w